I'm not a techie even though I spend many hours each day on my Apple computer, mainly writing books (now working on a biography of Katharina von Bora---Martin Luther's wife---that I hope will be published next year, the 500th anniversary of Luther's posting of his 95 theses). But I also spend time checking my email and various News sites, reading interesting blogs, writing blog posts----and ordering books from Amazon (almost always used and cheap). But I'm tech-lite. Our only cell phone is a $20 device from Walmart and a $10/mo. service. Here is the best I can do with a selfie. I tried turning the camera on myself but tend to snap pictures of body parts that are not worthy of a post. But here I am facing my bathroom mirror. (It seems like I ought to either clean the mirror or the camera lens!)
Equality in marriage. I believe in it. So does John. But when it comes to treats, we have issues. These are lemon bars that we purchased to taste-test the quality for a little ladies' day event we're having at the shop next week. We each had one. The next day when I took them off the shelf for another enjoyable treat together, three were gone, and that's why this picture still shows an uneven number. To his credit, John admitted taking one while I wasn't present, but it does point to the inequality in our marriage. And lemon bars aren't the worst of it. I've long ago learned to hide chocolates. He's certainly worth 2 lemon bars to every one for me. (On the rate-my-husband scale, he's a solid 10.) But I have to keep him true to our vows, so the bar on the bottom left has now been digested-----while he is away getting a hair cut and visiting his 100-year-old mom.

The book (released yesterday) is getting some good reviews, more than I could have ever hoped for. Here is one that was posted this morning. Also a good first review on Amazon and one from Nate Sparks who says this: "Her story becomes a vehicle for exposing the harmful rhetoric of gender hierarchy and ecclesial misogyny. And in this way, she offers a careful, intelligent, and highly accessible critique of the systemic ways Evangelical headship culture perpetuates abuse within the Church." For full review, go here.

The book (released yesterday) is getting some good reviews, more than I could have ever hoped for. Here is one that was posted this morning. Also a good first review on Amazon and one from Nate Sparks who says this: "Her story becomes a vehicle for exposing the harmful rhetoric of gender hierarchy and ecclesial misogyny. And in this way, she offers a careful, intelligent, and highly accessible critique of the systemic ways Evangelical headship culture perpetuates abuse within the Church." For full review, go here.