Monday, February 13, 2012

Miseries of Writing

Last week I received in the mail a package from Amazon containing a Homedics NMS-350 Shiatsu Neck Massager (complete with vibration and heat) that I had ordered. It cost just under $30, no shipping charge. It helps but doesn’t entirely solve the problem. I have terrible neck pain when I sit at the computer writing for more than fifteen minutes at a time. Since I have an excessively low attention span, I don’t often sit that long unless John is having me enter the corrections he’s made from my printed copy. He does find a lot of errors and I always fear that some he misses will make it through to the published book. I do have an excuse, however. When asked about the errors, I’ll simply say that I ought not be held responsible---that pain leads to carelessness and writing a book is a pain in the neck.