This Labor Day 2017, we are conscious of all the troubles is this country and around the world. We've had our own share of troubles but in this season of our lives we are conscious every day of the good life we're enjoying. We work hard almost every day at the Gardens, and here is John standing in front of his latest creation---a "cabin" toward the back of our expanded woodland. We play hard as well, yesterday sucking up the beautiful weather as we biked our traditional Labor Day weekend 35-mile ride through downtown Grand Rapids and 4 large parks. There was too much beauty along the way to even try to capture it, but I snapped this wonderful floral display inside the burial grounds of President Jerry and Betty Ford. After we returned I did laundry and was bummed out to discover our drying rack was downtown at our condo, so I did the next best thing with river-rat drying. The remaining pictures were taken this morning as we headed upstream from the Rockford Dam on the Rogue River. I managed to snap a swan in the midst of a wetland island.