After spending an hour shoveling our drive here at home yesterday, we went to the Gardens. It took us a few hours, including breaks, to get the driveway and parking spaces partially cleared, though we did not open the shop. I'm under the gun for several writing deadlines (John helping me), so we didn't have a lot of time to spare. But if we are so adept at mixing work and play there's no reason why we can't just as seamlessly mix work and work. So our breaks from shoveling were spent indexing my next book. Here is our vehicle next to the worst part of our snow removal task. It's next to the road and the snow is plowed up in heavy icy chunks. The pile is over 6 feet high and the wind was blowing hard. No fun. But there's beauty amid the hard work. I snapped this bottle sculpture, shining amid a brief respite from the cloud cover.