I'm at our business
Carlton Gardens today, both John and Alex (our partner and renter) are doing flood cleanup, Alex at the cottage and John back and forth between our house and hers (only a couple of blocks away from each other). Our biggest problem is that the power is still off, though we managed to borrow a generator and now have fans and a sump pump working. Yesterday we spent a lot of time working at the house and feel that we would be in great shape if we could only have some electricity. Here are some of yesterday's pics---can't believe that pile of timber is our wooden garden fence of 2 weeks ago. We've got great neighbors and that really helps; in fact, we are able to lend our garage to Steve and Christine 2 doors down river from us, while they work on a new floor. Richard across the road was over yesterday while we worked. He's been fortunate to have no problems---except for the power shut-off.