Living along the bank of the Grand River on Abrigador Trail, we are now official river rats--meaning that we live in a floodplain. But the term means more than that since my initials spell rat--and the reflections are ones both in my mind and on the water.
Friday, April 19, 2013
I regularly check the FREE section on Craigslist and have posted some things there myself. Today I posted FREE WATER, with the title and caption you see below. Responses are posted below and they're still coming.
UPDATE: I received this notice last night: This posting has been flagged for removal.
Please be sure to comply with posted guidelines and the CL TOU:
I knew it would happen but I didn't expect it so soon. It was fun while it lasted.
Water--all you can haul away (Abrigador Trail, Comstock Park)
Bring buckets and barrels and gallon milk jugs. Absolutely Free. Pure Michigan water, slightly tainted.
best post I have seen in awhile :) Hope you make it through this okay will be keeping you and your family in our prayers Carolyn
You're funny! Lol Lisa
If I had a boat and could get there, I would be glad to haul some away. I'm glad you have a sense of humor and can keep things in perspective. At least no-one died. Clyde Park Ave is well under water, about a block from my house. In the grand scheme of things, wishing you blessings! Thomas
Very funny. Good sense of humor. AM
Hilarious, you just made my day. Thank you Laurie
This just made my day! Thank you! Haha! jg
Glad to see you can have a sense of humor about it, thanks for the laugh ;-). Feel for you, been there done that. Don
You are my hero for posting this. B831
U crack me up dude Michael
Do you deliver? :) John
I'm glad to see that your spirits are so good....!!! Lance
Love it, great sense of humor. Pray it stops raining. 3754
This is the greatest ad I've ever seen on Craigslist. Well done! All my Facebook friends love it too. :) John
I am so sorry for you. I lived in FL. and we went through a flood. It is so hard. My prayers are with you. It will get better. I love your ad and pictures. Thanks. GB you. Pat
I will take 20 Ounces :) happy Friday just grin and bare it!