We walked out of our room at 8:45 this morning, noting the frost on the windshield of our car as we headed for the trail up and around the mountain, an 11+ mile round trip hike, 8 miles of which, I am convinced, go up. After nearly 4 miles up we reach the meadows---about a mile of smooth hilly terrain. Then we start down and after another mile the real hike up the mountain begins. Every time you think you're on your way down you round a bend and are on your way up again. With my problematic knees I wasn't at all sure that I'd be able to make the hike this year, but 600 mg of Ibuprophen before I started did the trick. On our way up we saw this Mexican Jay. Every time I snapped a picture, he moved closer, finally giving me a nice profile pose. One of the favorite sights of this hike is
the boot, as shown in the pic below. When we got back to the lodge at 2:30 we sat out in the sunshine on our deck until it got so hot we had to go in. The lodge is right below the gigantic rock formation known as Casa Grande. Below is a snap of it as the sun is going down. Also a snap of me with another mountain formation in the background.