Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Floodplain Angst

Why, why, WHY would anyone choose to live in a floodplain?  Our river view is spectacular and it's very affordable waterfront living, but in times like these we envy those living on mountains.  The rain simply won't stop.  I'm looking at the NOAA website at Comstock Park at this very moment, knowing it's lying when it tells me the river has gone down a half inch in the last few hours and that it won't reach flood stage in the next week.  Is this some kind of conspiracy?  Is the government toying with us?  So I worry and fret. I wonder if anyone has ever done a psychological study of folks like us.  Are we nuts to begin with, or do we slowly lose it with all the tension flood cycles create?  Anyone who is acquainted with river-rats surly knows that we don't rank high on the mental stability charts.