Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Board President, Sid Jansma, Jr., has been the point-man for the CTS administration, responding to the Grand Rapids PRESS and appearing on TV News. His main point as a pointman is that this case is not one of sex discrimination. Of course, that surprises no one.

REPORTER: Mr. Jansma, was Tucker singled out and demoted (given a terminal appointment, removed from tenure track) because she's a woman? Is this a case of sex discrimination?

SID the STONEWALLER: Absolutely not. There is no evidence anywhere of gender bias. Such charges are totally unfounded. . . . . . .

REPORTER: Why, then, was she singled out and demoted?

S the S: I can't talk about that. It's confidential.

REPORTER: Was/Is she academically unqualified?

S the S: I'm sorry. I can't talk. This is confidential.

REPORTER: But you say it wasn't sex discrimination. You didn't pull your CONFIDENTIALITY CARD on that.

REPORTER: Was/Is she an incompetent teacher?

S the S: I can't speak on that. It's confidential.

REPORTER: Was/Is she guilty of "ungodly" conduct?

S the S: I just can't respond--confidentiality, you know.

REPORTER: But why, then, doesn't the matter of sex discrimination fall under the category of CONFIDENTIAL?

S the S: Sorry, that's confidential.

RUTH TUCKER: Sid, my dear Sid, I'm talking to you now. Are you listening? Stonewalling just isn't becoming of you. Yes, it fits the administrators' MO, but not yours. (Note to readers: Mr. Jansma is a very decent man. He was not president of the CTS board when I was given a terminal appointment in 2003. I do not blame him for what has happened to me.)

CALVIN SEMINARY: First Quiz of the Fall Quarter (and multiple choice, at that). But, only 1 question.

The reason for Ruth Tucker's removal from tenure track : a) sex discrimination; b) academically unqualified; c) incompetent teaching; d) ungodly conduct; e) can't play Dutch Bingo; f) none of the above.

A NOTE TO STUDENTS: This is an important quiz. Your assignment is to track down the correct answer.


  1. The only thing I can say after reading these entries is I am shocked and dismayed but unfortunatley NOT surprised.

    I look forward to hearing where your journey leads.

  2. You're having fun with this, aren't you?

  3. Ruth,
    It's been a while since you have heard from me. I'm John Frye--previously the pastor of Bella Vista Church in Rockford, MI. Also, we're good friends with Phil and Lori Cole. Lori is your "bud."

    I am so sorry for your extremely sad and tumultuous experience at CTS. I read your post at the other website. Also, Scot McKnight posted on your situation at
