Thursday, August 31, 2006


Some great books are self-published. In many cases that’s the only way to get them into bookstores or listed on Amazon. Indeed, sometimes even a seasoned author cannot find a publisher for a potential bestseller. Such has been the case with my latest book, which I’m marketing on my site:

I’m a talker, but occasionally I find myself speechless—a circumstance for which others are probably more than momentarily grateful. It can be the kiss of death, however, when a writer finds herself wordless. But not in this case. My latest volume is a wordless book.

Now some of you may think this concept could only be sold as remainders—if that.

Admittedly, I’ve been a bit deceptive. I have shamelessly used a name that sells books--and especially concepts--with or without words: Dr. Ruth.

My title is: “All the Joys of being a Submissive Wife.”

I initially intended to dedicate the volume to the “Ladies of the Southern Baptist Convention,” but that turned out to be cost-prohibitive. When you introduce words to a book, the cost of publishing immediately soars.

There was a time—in another life—when I could not have offered to the public such a volume. But in this life I’m married to John. When I presented the cover to him, he howled with laughter and said, “Go for it.” (And, he will be doing the mailings when the orders come in.)

The unwritten dedication is:

past, present, future
who have struggled with man-made concepts
submission and headship
have survived with a sense of humor

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